
Do you find it kind of ironic how a German company, BMW, sponsored the U.S. Olympic team. They even built the two man bobsled. A sled which did in fact medal at the games, of course BMW does have a factory in California. Just some information you may not have know about.

The Agony of Defeat…

The Denver Broncos should have never showed up to this game. They were, unfortunately, never in it from the beginning. They didn’t match up with anyone on the Seattle Sea Hawks team; on either side of the ball. It was a devastating loss for Quarterback Peyton, won I am sure he will spend the off season thinking about. I am sure his coach is going to be out looking for some defensive players.

Bronco & Sea Hawks

The next person that tells me that the Broncos are the best… we will have a problem. I had mentioned before the game, defense wins championships; this game will be no different. Seattle is man-handling Denver on both sides of the ball. If Denver does not come out in the second half and act like they want to play; then it is all over for them; this will be determined within a few series in the second half. Denver must be really afraid of Sherwin, because they have not thrown to his side all game; except for one pass, and Peyton over threw him.

Football is a game of ups and downs, and right now Seattle is on a high and Denver is on a low. But; it could change. I however don’t see it happening, final Seattle 32 and Broncos 17.


Who is she? Everyone says she’ll come around, but yet nothing. They are all getting away with what they shouldn’t. Why? We all bust our butt doing what is right, someone else, no. They can get away with anything, and even intemidate all who are around.

So could someone please find her for me? Thanks